"Sometimes the shortest distance between here and success

turns out to be the long way around."    Jerry X Shea

"How can there be two identical business, yet, one succeeds

while the other one fails?"    Jerry X Shea



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Mr. Shea's book,  IT'S A GREAT LIFE IF YOU DON'T WEAKEN," is an excellent book for those needing inspiration and guidance in making life changing decisions.  His personal stories, insights and encouragements energized me into renewing a walking routine that I was neglecting. If you feel unable to move forward or commit to change, remember that the Power Of Next is within your reach too.

Dorothy R. Cold Spring, MN.


The Author is spot on with all the recommendations for a Great Life. The down to earth examples let you know this man has lived thru what it takes to not Weaken. I applaud him for putting this on paper so we all can have A Great Life!

Beach Bum Bill, Cambria, CA


This book did a fantastic job helping me see and handle my situations, problems, and opportunities in a manner much better and more productive than if I had not read the book. The author knows what he's talking about. I was very impressed.
Get the book!

Kevin S., Torrance, CA


I Have read Jerry's original two books, and the first chapter of 'The Power of NEXT.' I must say this is GREAT stuff. I recommend this to anybody interested in improving his or her life, and moving forward without getting stuck in the past. FIVE GOLD STARS !!!

M.V., San Luis Obispo, CA





               Book Reviews for Prospecting - Presentation - Close

Author Jerry X Shea's book, does not address sophisticated methods used by "large corporate" sales person getting ready to sell that next Fighter Plane to the government. Instead, this "nuts and bolts" writing focuses on the small business person (that is also their company salesperson) preparing to make a verbal sales presentation for items such as car, refrigerator, new home windows, floor tile, house painting, carpet, cleaning, a new camera and so forth. As such, it delves quite interestingly, and in considerable detail, with essential matters such as handshakes", "business cards", "fliers, and importantly, listening skills, - topics mostly ignored in less focused writings. This book is a must for the everyday salesperson trying to sell to a prospect. Stuart T., Business Consultant
From one who has been involved in sales and sales management for over 40 years, it is refreshing to have the entire activity presented in such a clear and concise way. A must read for anyone charged with sales, as well as those who's duties include sales functions. Bravo Jerry X. Shea, well done! - Bob V. Sales Manager


  Customer Testimonials:


My book Prospecting - Presentation - Close is based on my workshop of the same name. With evaluation from the workshop attendees validate that my workshop objectives were met, here are some statements that really hit home. 


"Very good for someone like me that has never sold. Now I know how to start."  - Sue S., Chicago, Illinois


"Great ideas of how to get your business in the eyes of the community." - Carole M.,  Las Vegas, Nevada


"Really enjoyed the session and can't wait to implement the selling techniques I learned." - Jonathan W., Atlanta, Georgia


 "Learning the steps to sell and help grow my company gave me confidence." Jason F., Long Beach, California


"I never saw myself as a salesmen but now I understand that I have to really become one in order to be successful with my business." John P., Forth Worth, Texas

Jerry X Shea is one of the most engaging presenters I have ever seen. Jerry inspires you. His method is easy to follow: prospecting for new clients, making a fantastic presentation, and closing with confidence. Jerry’s insights are so timely that those that think they know it all will find something useful. And those just getting started in business will find Jerry’s message essential to building their business. Jerry’s style is friendly, open and down to earth. He is a joy to work with and a pleasure to listen to.   
      John Baldoni  -   Baldoni Consulting

Mac VanDuzer - Associate Broker at Sand Shell Realty

Jerry is a knowledgeable and entertaining speaker, consultant, author, and business owner.  I see him as highly ethical, straightforward, and a delight to be around.  I encourage you to read his new book, and/or to hear him speak, and see what develops.

         February 20, 2012, Mac was Jerry X's client